5 Things that Make Home Allergies Worse

Did you know there are some things you’re probably doing in your home that are making your allergies worse?

You may be telling yourself that you just have to put up with your home allergies if you can’t afford to purchase expensive air filters. But did you know there are some things you’re probably doing in your home that are making your allergies worse?

Here are the 5 most common things that make home allergies worse.

1. Leaving your windows open.

Exhaust fumes, dust, pollen and chemicals can waft into your home through open windows and aggravate allergies. Keep your windows closed.

2. Using lots of fabric or upholstery.

Thick curtains, fluffy carpets, and upholstery furnishings are paradise for dust mites. Opt for substitutes like leather couches and raffia floor mats instead.

3. Not washing fabrics often enough.

Laundry lying on the floor or in an open hamper collects dust, as do sheets and bedding. Wash clothing and bedding often, using hot water and a mild detergent.

4. Letting clutter build up.

Piles of paper and assortments of junk provide extra surface area for dust mites to gather. Put odds and ends in drawers and keep your surfaces clear.

5. Not dusting enough.

If you dust only once a week, you’ll be breathing in dust for the rest of the week. Damp dust all surfaces every single day to help your allergies.

If you’ve been making these five mistakes at home, you’ll be relieved to know that changing your habits can make a huge difference to your allergies. Start today to eliminate the things that make your home allergies worse, and you’ll soon feel better.

The Cluber